

Botanical name: Arctostaphylus Uva Ursi Habitat: Central Europe mountains

Plant parts used: Flowers Active ingredients and nutrients: arbutin (D-glucoside of hydroquinone), methyilarbutine, hydroquinone and methylhydroquinone

Therapeutic properties: It is recommended by the “German Commission E” for the treatment of acute and chronic urinary tract infections, including CYSTITIS. This property is given by hydroquinone glycosides, molecules that are split off at the intestinal level into glucose and hydroquinone. The latter is excreted by the kidneys and then reaches the urinary tract where it carries out an antibacterial and antiseptic action, preventing the growth of bacteria responsible for infections such as E. coli, S. aureus, B. subtilis. It also acts as a diuretic, helping to eliminate the microorganisms responsible for infection. Since its action is enhanced by a basic urinary pH (> 7), it is advisable to take in basic foods such as milk, potatoes or sodium bicarbonate.

For prevention and control of: UROGENITAL DISORDERS

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