Food supplements Dott.Di Massimo®


Dr. Di Massimo’s FOOD SUPPLEMENTS contain natural active ingredients and nutrients that are essential for the well-being of the person and for a physiological maintenance of the body’s health (vitamins, minerals, enzymes and vegetable proteins).

All supplements are registered and approved by the Ministry of Health. Each supplement contains highly concentrated active ingredients (high-titre dry extracts) selected by the Doctor to perform a synergistic and complementary action and thus increase their effectiveness and safety. Each formula takes into account the results of clinical studies carried out to test the therapeutic properties of the various active ingredients.
These studies are reported in the monographs of medicinal plants of the World Health Organization or in scientific publications

Master’s thesis in applied Phytotherapy at the UNICUSANO University of Rome: “Bioavailability of phenolic compounds: resveratrol, curcumin, catechins and silymarin”. Francesca Di Massimo, AA2019 / 2020 DOWNLOAD THE PDF SCARICA IL PDF

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Showing 1–12 of 41 results