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One of Caterina’s most famous cosmetic recipes is the precious “Acqua Celeste,” a drinkable and cosmetic water. It is an elixir of long life and a facial tonic that I have recreated using the same method employed by Caterina and with the same fresh or dried ingredients.

Come visit us to smell this wonder. Book a visit with an olfactory experience at 3351312073. Minimum of 4 people.

DURATION: 1:30 h

COST: 50 euros per person. (For fewer than 4 people, the cost is still 200 euros per visit.)


…è de tanta virtù che li vecchi fa devenir giovani
se fosse in età di 85 anni lo farà devenir de aparentia de anni 35
fa de morto vivo
cioè se al infermo morente metti in bocca un gozzo de dicta aqua, pur che inghiottisce, in spazio di 3 pater noster, ripiglierà fortezza et con l’aiuto de Dio guarirà.»

Piglia garofani, noce moscata, zenzebero, pevero longo, pevero rotondo, grana de ginepro, scorza di cedrangoli, foglie di salvia, foglie di basilico, de rosmarino, de majorana fine, de menta rotona, loribache, pulegio, gentiana,calamento, fior di sambuco, rose bianche e rosse, cardamono, cinamono fino, calamo romatico, meligette mastico, incenso bianco, aloe patico, semenza et folie anesi, semenza di artemisia, fichi secchi, uva passa ultra marina, carne di dattili, mandole dolci, pignoli, mandole amare……………….e incorporate insieme e mettile in tanta aqua de vita che sia tre volte tanto a peso quante sonno le sopra ditte cose, la quale aqua sia destillata cinque volte in alambicco de vetro pigliando sempre la bona,  et questo fatto, metti tutte le ditte cose in l’acqua de vita una bozza ben chiusa et lutata et lassala star cusì per dui dì naturale et poi mettilo nel suo fornello col suo lambicco lutato le giunture fa destillare con foco lento o meglio seria con bagnomaria et uscirà un’aqua chiarissima et pretiosa et continua lo foco per fin tanto che l’aqua muterà colore et come tu vedi venir aqua bianca muta lo recipiente et recevi quella aqua bianca, la quale vale a fare la faccia et la pelle odorifera chiara et lustra et colorita et leva omne segno et macula della faccia.

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Hyaluronic Acid: how it works and why our serum has a real cosmetic effect

Hyaluronic acid is a molecule that plays a crucial role in keeping our skin hydrated and elastic. This substance is naturally produced in soft tissues and is essential for attracting and retaining water in the skin.

However, when it comes to topical applications in cosmetics, the molecular size of hyaluronic acid can be a limiting factor. The molecule is too large to penetrate deeply into the skin, often resulting in a sticky feeling on the surface. This happens because the molecule remains on the surface and cannot reach the deeper layers where it is most needed.

To address this issue, scientists have developed low molecular weight (LMW) hyaluronic acid through the hydrolysis of the entire molecule. This process breaks the molecule into smaller fragments, making it more easily absorbable by the skin.

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid can penetrate deeper into the skin, where it can hydrate, brighten, and smooth it.

Some may wonder if there are any concerns about using LMW hyaluronic acid since it doesn’t utilize the entire molecule. It’s important to note that the body has the necessary enzymes to use it effectively, as it is a naturally occurring molecule.

In conclusion, using LMW hyaluronic acid in skincare products can provide more significant benefits compared to formulations with high molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

By choosing products that contain LMW hyaluronic acid, you can ensure your skin receives the deep hydration and nourishment it needs to remain healthy and radiant.

What makes our formula highly effective is its simplicity. You’ll notice that the ingredient list is very short, with hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid among the top three ative ingredients, indicating the maximum concentration possible. Our serum is dense yet not sticky, absorbs quickly, and provides a real cosmetic effect. It can be applied to lips, around the eyes, and on the neck, leaving the skin looking radiant and healthy.

INGREDIENT LIST: aqua (water), glycerin, phytic acid, benzyl alcohol, dehydroacetic acid , hydrolized hyaluronic acid, sodium hyaluronate, sodium hydroxide

We recommend applying it 5 to 10 minutes before a rich and nourishing cream like IMMUNO 6, or a gentle under-makeup cream like BIOCREMA eye contour.

Sara Calcagno